ASD170 – Front-End Development with HTML and CSS
Associate of Applied Science in Software Development
Course ID
Course Credits
About ASD170 – Front-End Development with HTML and CSS
This Front-End Dev course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of 2 of the most widely-adopted technologies in the world today: HTML and CSS. Topics explored include HTML structure, syntax, and usage, CSS styling and layout. Additional topics include the Document Object Models, jQuery, AJAX, and JSON. Upon completion of the course students will be able to understand how modern websites are built, as well as be able to write their own, and add functionality as found throughout the Internet. Register for this Front-End Development training course online today.
Topics Covered In Course
ASD170 Topics
- Basic structure of HTML and CSS. Modern requirements to website structure
- Mobility of HTML5 and CSS. Implementing advanced Webpage elements
- Dynamic Web Pages and User input validation
- Website hosting and deployment challenges
For this Front-End Development course online, students must have experience using a keyboard and mouse in a GUI-based OS such as Microsoft Windows or Linux, and understand how to download and install programs found on the Internet.